Scripts, Codes, and Resources

Turn any link into a drop down menu:

To save a file, right-click the link and then click "save as"
With this code, you can turn any link into a drop down menu, like so
For this, save anylinkmenu.js and menucontent.js to your js folder, and anylinkmenu.css to your css folder. save dropdowncode.txt to your sources folder. The text file contains the HTML coding you actually need in order to make this all work. Copy and paste the correct code found in the text file into the correct sections of your HTML page. To add the menu to a link, make the code like so: < a href="#" class="menuanchorclass" rel="anylinkmenu1">Click Here</a>
just be sure to change the class name to the name of the corresponding menu. to change/add menus, open menucontent.js. the instructions for how to change and add menus are written in the comments of that file.

A Better Scroll(Face Scroll)

With this code, you can get rid of those ugly default scroll bars, and replace them with this simplistic, fantastic scroll. First, save general.css to your css folder. Save facescroll.js and jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js to your js folder. Then, save custom-scroll-bar.png to your css folder. Also, download facescrollcode.txt and save it to your sources folder. This will give you the HTML code to place in your header section. All of these files have already been marked up with comments to show you how to use them.
The main idea is that you have to just add some code in the header secton to make any div scrollable. Make sure to keep the image in the css folder, or else it won't show up.

rollover link image

With this code, you can make it so that when you hover over a link, an image will be displayed. all the instructions are in the readme file.

Dynamic content slider

With this code, you can have a div which acts almost like slides. It's quite useful.Download