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Search Tags

how to edit keywords
how to edit description

Search Tags: Are used by search engines to find your site by having  keywords that have to do with your website. For example if your website is about lacrosse keywords might be lacrosse, lax, goal, goalie etcetera.

If you do not have search tags then google will pull random words of their choice. This would cause less of your target audience finding you website which would be the opposite of what you want .

The more keywords you have that relate to your website the more likely you are to be found by a person looking for your website. This is called SEO or Search Engine Optimization the better your keywords the better SEO. The description is the words under that describe your site under the link to your site in google or other search engines find you.

If you just throw a bunch of random words in your search tags then google and other search engines will find out and your SEO will greatly decrease.

How to get to search tags:

  1. Click on insert

  2. Go to html

  3. Go to head tags

  4. Click on keywords

  5. Type in as many word that relates to your website as possible















Description: Is the summary of your website that will show up under the link to your website if you are found by a search engine. It is very important to have a description or else the search engines will chose random text and it will push your target audience away which is never good.

How to get to desciption:

  1. Click on insert

  2. Go to html

  3. Go to head tags

  4. Click on description

  5. Type in a summary of your website



















Summary: Search Tags and Descriptions are a crucial part of having your website being found and being opened and used by your target audience. You should use a lot of search tags the relate to the website that you have and don’t use random words it will not help you. The description will make the people who find your website know what your website is all about

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