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English Language Education

Natick’s ELE program is diverse.  Our goal is to provide English Language development instruction to students who qualify for support in acquiring and learning academic English in order to achieve success in the general education classrooms.  We encourage students to meet and interact with their peers in order to develop social language.  We believe that interactions in the classroom, in recess, in specials, and in the cafeteria are important places for social interaction. Click here for more on the program.

Our program is available at the elementary (Brown School), middle (Kennedy Middle School), and high school (Natick High School) levels.  

All of our students arrive with different language backgrounds and levels.  All of our students are supported in many different ways.  Our students are extremely diverse and come from areas all over the world.  We have speakers from South America, Europe, East Asia, West Asia, and Africa.

Depending upon the school, some of the courses are proficiency based and others are based on grade level.  When the course is based on grade level, the work is differentiated in order to appropriately challenge the students in the classroom.

Program description---

Entry information/process

Links to home language survey

Levels--WIDA levels and standards


Exit information

Reclassification information

Opt-out/decline information

Contacts at the different schools

Parental responsibilities and rights

Google translate on the side

Links to the DESE

Follow up for monitoring

ACCESS testing/information/scores