
Line Spacing

-Line spacing important to a site because it affects the reader’s ability to read the content.
-Too much space between lines can makes it easier for the reader to lose their place.
-Too little space can make the readers miss words/lines, so there must be a balance between too much and too little spacing.
-Line space can be controlled in CSS by using “line-height”.


-Text on a site should not be touching other elements of the site, such as images, or the border.
-The spacing between elements and the text is Padding.
-Padding between the text and other elements makes the site easier to read, and more appealing.
-CSS can control where padding on the site is place: padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right.
-The length and percent of padding affects how much padding is placed on the site.

Negative Space

-Spacing between elements containing nothing but blank space.
-Helps to define positive or filled space.
-Space around characters to improve readability.
-More negative space for more luxurious look.


-Minimalistic design
-Large amounts of negative space
-Simple can be professional

Horizontal and Vertical Spacing

-Spacing between letters and words on the same line.
letter-spacing: 130%;
word-spacing: 140%;

-provides a more airy feel to text
-line height makes text easier to read for viewer
line-height: 20px;

Vertical Alignment


-text hits both left and right side of div
-adjusts spacing between letters and words
-WARNING: can create bad visual side effects
-Do not use in narrow or small columns


-Do not use

-Left and Right alignment

-easier to read and stronger than center