Gum is 11 years old. He's a tuxedo cat. He has 3 legs because when he was 2, he had a tumor in one of his back legs and it had to be amputated. He loves people but he can be kind of grumpy since he's old. He bites sometimes, but usually he means it playfully. He likes to "help" people by lying on top of whatever items he can find.
Wizard is 5. He's very fluffy. He has big eyes and usually looks a little crazy. He's scared of everything, especially people he doesn't know. He used to hide all the time, but he's slowly becoming less afraid. I'm his favorite person, and he's least scared of me. He's not the smartest cat, but he's super sweet and cuddly.
Pippi is only 1, and she's still as small as a kitten. Even though she's so tiny, she's the boss of the other cats. She's very friendly and adventurous and not scared of anything. She loves to play and be around people. But she also gets tired easily. Whenever she's sleepy, she waits for someone to sit down so she can lie on top of them and fall asleep.