DFC Funding Criteria

Did Natick receive DFC funding because the community has serious drug problems?

The drug and alcohol issues that affect youth and families in Natick are similar to those in many surrounding Metro West communities (Needham and Wayland are also DFC recipients). Natick was awarded the grant because we:

- met the criteria necessary to apply, including the required community participation
- created a long-term prevention plan
- have the support of Dr. Peter Sanchioni, Superintendant (and the fiscal agent), the Natick Public Schools, and from Martha White, Town Administrator for Natick.


How will the DFC grant money be used?

Funds from the grant will support the work of the Coalition to develop sustainable community collaborations using existing resources, and to pay for required trainings and evaluations.

The goals of the DFC grant are to:
- Create a strong and sustainable community Coalition
- Reduce youth substance use in Natick
  a. The most abused substances in Natick (alcohol and marijuana) will be targeted
  b. SAMSHA recently added prescription drugs as an additional target substance


• How do we know the program is working?

The MetroWest Adolescent Health survey is administered in Natick every two years in grades 6-12. Survey results are used as the primary measure for whether the community is successfully achieving its goals to reduce substance use.


What is the Coalition doing to achieve their goals?

NTY has developed Action Plans for the first two years of the grant. Year One (Oct ‘11 – Sept ‘12) highlights include raising community awareness about the Coalition and it’s goals, creating informational materials, developing a website, doing community outreach, organizing educational programs, surveying parents, initiating a Student Social Norm campaign at NHS, nurturing collaborations with youth groups, and working with town agencies.


Can anyone become involved in Natick Together for Youth?

Natick Together for Youth welcomes all interested participants. Contact a Coalition member, Erica or Sandy to learn more. Meeting dates and times are posted on our website and the Town of Natick website.


Can I speak with someone about my child’s substance use in confidence?

Yes. If you would like to have a private conversation about your child’s substance use issues, please contact Erica Dinerman at NHS, 508-647-6623.

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