
I am Katelyn Healy and I attend Natick High School. I am currently in 9th grade and I am enrolled in a class called Intro to Web Design. In this class, I have learned how to code and create an appealing website. Before I took this class, I had no idea what html and css meant and how they worked together to create the websites that I see and visit everyday. I learned that there are many rules that should be followed when creating a website that make it more eye-catching. I have also learned how to photoshop an image to make it fit your website. Most importantly I was taught all of the basic tags in HTML and CSS and how to use them to build a website.

To create this website, I have used all of the skills I learned this year in Web Design. I feel that I have learned a lot of important information in this class that can be helpful in the future. I feel that HTML and CSS are very important skills to learn in school and everyone should get the opportunity to learn. Before coming into this class, I knew nothing about codes and what any tags were in HTML or CSS. Leaving this class, I have a greater appreciation for coders and now when I look at websites I see all of the work that must have gone into it. I also have the knowledge of the basic tags in HTML and CSS and I hope to use them more in the future.